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save an animal a day

Switch to a plant powered diet for 31 days to improve your health, save animals from suffering, help the planet and do your bit for world hunger.

You’ll get free recipes, meal plans, nutrition tips, cooking demos – and join a growing global community of bloody good sorts. Sign up today.

We bring people together to discover incredible plant-based food from all corners of the world.

No Meat May is a registered charity that challenges people to eliminate meat from their diets for 31 days, for 4 big reasons (health, environment, animals, and food security).

Launched in 2013 by a couple of passionate creatives wanting to do some good – No Meat May started with thirty of their friends giving up meat for the month of May.  Many of whom are now active contributors and part of the No Meat May team. 


With participation more than doubling year on year, No Meat May is now a global campaign, with thousands of new recruits participating each year. And surveys confirming more than 90% of people reduce or eliminate meat ongoing.

By eating less animal products, or going meat free, you can protect our planet, your health, and save living beings, both human and animal from suffering.

Our vision

A world without chronic disease, hunger or factory farming

– where food systems keep us all healthy, without hurting animals or destroying our environment.

Our mission

To inspire and support more people to shift to plant-rich diets

so we can build a healthier, kinder, more sustainable world.


Meet the team

Be smart… seek evidence-based information

Thinking about going meat-free or vegan but worried about getting all the nutrition you need? How will you get enough protein? Where will you get your iron? What about vitamin B12?

These questions are important to consider but the good news is that a well-planned vegetarian or vegan diet can certainly meet your nutritional needs. What’s more, there is an increasing body of evidence showing the health benefits of a plant-based diet, particularly when it comes to reducing chronic disease risk.

However a vegetarian or vegan diet isn’t just about cutting out meat or animal products. It’s important to replace animal protein with a variety of plant foods including vegetables, fruits, wholegrains, legumes, nuts and seeds. And there are some nutrients that may need special attention.

Here are some tips from Dr Kate Marsh for making sure your meat-free diet is giving you all the nutrition you need.

While these guidelines are a great place to start, everyone’s nutritional needs are different. So if you are planning to, or have adopted a meat-free diet, consider seeing an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) for individualised advice.

You can search for an APD with experience in vegetarian nutrition by visiting the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA) website.

Dr Kate Marsh is an Advanced Accredited Practicing Dietitian, Credentialled Diabetes Educator and Health & Medical Writer based in Sydney. Kate has followed a whole food plant-based diet for more than 20 years and is passionate about the health, ethical and environmental benefits of vegetarian and plant-based eating. She regularly writes and speaks on the topic of plant-based diets, has written several research papers and textbook chapters on health benefits and nutritional aspects of vegetarian and meat-free diets, and is the co-author of The Low GI Vegetarian Cookbook. 

What people say about No Meat May

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