
Spicy Black Bean Tacos

A delicious Mexican inspired recipe and special offer from our friends at Vegan Food & Living to keep you inspired well beyond May! These tacos feature black beans as the star ingredient, which are loaded with protein, fibre and nutrient-dense. And with a kick of chipotle chilli, this dish is packed with flavour. Give it […]
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Santuary Stories: Mario, The Last Pig

The farmer retired from pig farming, and his transition away from farming was captured in the 2017 documentary, The Last Pig. This award-winning film chronicles his final year on the farm, capturing in intimate detail the farmer’s personal upheaval as he questions his beliefs and the value of life. The farmer sent his last pigs to Catskill Animal Sanctuary, which included Mario […]
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Oxford Students Vote to Ban Lamb and Beef

College dining halls typically feature meat-heavy menus with a few vegetarian or vegan options, but Oxford students are hoping to change that. Students voted to ban lamb and beef from the majority of campus eateries with the goal of making the university more environmentally-friendly. Three Oxford students motioned for the student union to ban lamb […]
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No Meat May in the time of COVID-19

We grappled with whether we should still run No Meat May during a global crisis. We questioned if it was appropriate to run a behaviour change challenge while many people are without work, and many of our partner businesses have closed their doors. With lives and livelihoods being lost, we wondered whether the world would […]
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US Plant-Based Food Sales Surge: Market Now Worth $5 Billion

US sales of plant-based food surged by 11 percent in 2019, bringing the total plant-based market value to $5 billion, according to new data released today by the Good Food Institute (GFI) and the Plant Based Foods Association. During the same period, dollar sales for the total U.S. retail food market grew just two percent incomparison. The largest category in […]
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No Meat May saves 1.9 million animal lives in May!

Results are in! With each of our 65,055 registered participants for No Meat May 2021 saving approximately 31 land and sea animals, a collective total of 1,984,178 living beings. On average each person who signed up encouraged one friend or family member to join them for a month of incredible food – with an estimated […]
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