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  • Vegan Bodybuilder Nimai Delgado Built This Body Without Ever Eating Meat

Vegan Bodybuilder Nimai Delgado Built This Body Without Ever Eating Meat

Vegan bodybuilder Niamai Delgado – who will appear in upcoming film The Game Changers- is the latest big name to appear on the Plant Based Newspodcast. During the interview with PBN Co-founder Robbie Lockie, Delgado revealed that he’s never eaten meat, and talks about the physique he biult without the use of steroids.

According to the athlete, both of his parents – who he describes as ‘amazing’ – are converted Hindus who raised him as a lacto-vegetarian.

“I was raised with a strong sense of compassion,” he says. “Growing up, my diet has always been about 95 percent vegan, with the exception of dairy products.”
